1999 - Faire/Reenactment
Two pics, before and after, showing what fun can be had with armor,
and with a graphics editing program. :)
This shows me in my blue surcoat, before I made my green one and my white one. I love
the color of this one, but it was a bad choice of material. This was the weekend when
we first tried all of our costume components on, to finalize it before the RenFest
Again, look how easily we can fake such a scene! (actually, we really removed his
arm for this, and re-attached it later) :)
Wolf and Bones, posing on the 4th of July weekend. We had some fun, as you
will see below... :) Too bad I was squinting heavily due to the bright sun
and the lack of glasses with which to see at that moment. :)
As with the other pictures taken that day, you can see
that I'm wearing the white surcoat that I didn't use on any of the
trips to the RenFest. If I can find a good way to make a large red
templar cross on the chest of it, this would make a fairly convincing
templar costume.
We've finally figured out how to get some gnarly powers... (it requires the use
of powerful magics, such as Paint Shop Pro).
(Lightning redone in Photoshop in 2012)
Close-in combat.
Lady Wolvendove (Amanda), and Lady Darkchild (Dianna), at the PA RenFest...
Amanda had just been complaining about how many peasants bowed in her
presence, and would ask permission to rise. Dianna took this as a cue
to rub it in a little further. :)
But, who can stay mad for long over such things?
Bones (me), and Wolf (Chuck), also at the PA RenFaire on the same day...
We can't seem to help it... Testosterone, perhaps?
But once again, we can't stay mad at each other.. :)
However, as usual, he gets the girl.. :)
One of my better portraits, taken at the VA RenFest. Nice, eh?
This year I finally put together an aesthetic ensemble, complete with leather jerkin
and rapier.
Well, we finally did it. We managed to go to a Renaissance Festival in armor! Woohoo!
Shaun borrowed some plate armor from Chuck (Sir Wolf), whilst the other two of us
were decked out in roughly 60 pounds of equipment each. The chainmail (14 gauge, 3/8"
rings) weighed 48 pounds, plus about 5 for the helmet and approximately another 7 for
the sword, leather accessories, and pouches. Needless to say, it didn't take long before
we were hurting.
From left to right: Sir Shaun, Sir Wolf, Sir Bones (me).
VA RenFest..
Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil. (ok, the order is funky, but hey).
While at the VA RenFest, we got approched by some kids who wanted to interview someone
for a school project they were doing on medieval weaponry. Who else but some armored
knights could answer such questions? :)
Our entire group from the same outing to the VA RenFaire..
In the earlier part of the same day, I was in armor. I cheated in this one though.
Look at the armor closely. The sleeves don't match the mantle, do they? The hauberk
was 16 gauge, thus reducing the weight significantly. Don't get me wrong, it was still
heavy. I was only wearing 32 pounds of chain instead of 48. :) From now on, if I wear
armor to the renfests, I'll do what I did this day... Armor in the morning, then change
into something else out in the parking lot sometime after lunch. :)
VA Renfest weekend #3... Group shot! On the right is Jeremy in my 16-gauge chainmail
hauberk. He only wore 23 pounds (plus sword)... He had it a little too easy. :)
This was on my 4th and final excursion to the VA RenFest this year.. Only a small
group went this time, so I don't have a group shot of us. Here we see Wolvendove (Amanda),
and Bones (me). She thought this wasn't a very good picture of her. Actually, I don't
think it's that great of a picture of me either (which means it's probably one of the more
accurate, but considering that I seem to look different in each picture, one can never
be too sure). Oh well. At least the color was picked up by the camera very well. (No, we're
not a couple, just half of the group that went that weekend)
Me at the VA RenFest... My blue leather was still very blue back then, since I
had just gotten it that season.
Wolf and Darkchild, at it again... They are the other half of the group on the 4th
outing. Don't they go well together? I swear, you can't leave them alone for a
minute... or in public for that matter. :)
Ahhh, I love the scenery here. We just had to get a picture of Bones next to the
fountain of skulls. :)
I look good on the throne, don't I? :) This was taken at The Maryland Renaissance Festival
(MDRF). 'Tis the King's seat, but everyone uses it as a picture-taking spot, so methinks
the King doesn't mind. Unfortunately I'm running a bit low on pictures for the 1999 fall
season at MDRF even though I've been going every weekend, since I've been focusing more
on having fun and less on getting pictures.
Amazing what can happen when you get the tip too close to the flash.. It looks
like he's launching a fireball at the camera, doesn't it?
..And again with foils.
We're finally setting aside the time for some swordplay.. Here's Bones and Wolf brandishing
the starfire swords..
Here we are in armor.. Wolf on the left, and Bones (me) on the right. One of these
days we need to organize a large group of armored crusaders for a trip to the faire..
Here I am getting the infamous "ear trick", courtesy of
It looks like the look on my face was indeed as priceless as was described
to me. 'Twas quite an experience. :) (Picture taken by
White Dragon)
Wolvendove, Bones (me), and Darkchild, resting in the shade.
Wolf and Darkchild.. Need I say more?
Wolvendove was called up to participate in a show... "Enter the Love Interest"
comes to mind (that was her line)...
Here we see Wolvendove and Darkchild sitting upon the throne. Who do
they think they are? Well, perhaps seeing so many of the towns-folk
bowing to them may have inflated their egos a tad. :)
Here's my old friend and former college room-mate Derek, and his
wife Jenna. It's a shame we don't get together for faire more
Here I am grinning in a silly manner. I'm wearing my full
garb in this shot again, but this time with the brand-new
crushed velvet tights (I never ever thought I would wear
tights, but I've been talked into it).
Also, you can see the new "Cat O' Ninety Tails" whip I had
stuck on my belt. 'Twas a gift, and it matched perfectly..
Muahahah!! (actually, it was a gag-gift, since a friend of
mine and I were talking and both agreed that we'd never
hit someone.. However, it turned out to be a good addition
to the outfit, since now I have a "weapon" that I can carry
even at the faires that don't allow weapons)
This shot was taken from the edge of the White Hart Tavern at
MDRF (Maryland Renaissance Festival), just shortly before the
final Pub Sing, marking the end of the season. As the sun was
setting, it created an interesting back-lit glow in the trees,
aided by the autumn color-change already underway. Click on
the thumbnail image to see the full shot. The picture doesn't
do it justice.
This was taken the last weekend of MDRF for the season. I had
my hair down all weekend to try to help keep me warm. Funny
how it almost makes me look like I have a larger beard; Some
of my hair poofed up around my neck.. :)
I haven't decided whether or not to keep the goatee, or
for how long.. I suppose I can always shave it off if
I decide to..
(Picture taken by Danicia)
Here I am wearing just about everything.. Brand new, but mud-covered
boots.. My new gauntlets (as in, never wearing them for any length of time
before, but owning them for several weeks), and cloak. It's nice to
be able to wear the whole deal for once. :)