

Ed's Site


Computers and Tech


Pics / Pets


Made with vi. The RIGHT way!

Hacker Emblem


2000 - Computers

My computer area, shortly after moving into my new house.Normally, this would be a dining room. But who needs that?I need space for my boxen, with a clear line of sight to the TV! :)
^topJanuary, 2000
My computer area, shortly after moving into my new house. Normally, this would be a dining room. But who needs that? I need space for my boxen, with a clear line of sight to the TV! :)

Another "behind the scenes". Here's NecroBones.Net, as never beforeseen.
^topSept 11, 2000
Another "behind the scenes". Here's NecroBones.Net, as never before seen.


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