2004 - General
Here's the new truck! I know, not the best picture with the column
in the way, and so forth.
Here's the new beast from behind. It still had the temporary
tags and everything. :)
For Halloween this year, I was the Grim Reaper. Rather than carry the
large heavy clunky scythe, instead I opted for a lantern with green
glass. This costume more or less came together at the last minute, but
worked better than planned.
I already owned the black garb, which I had made for a wraith/vampire
sort of outfit back in grade-school. I haven't used it much since, but
I also already had a pair of skeleton gloves to use when handing out
candy to trick-or-treaters. This year, I bought a cheap ($8) skull mask,
and skeleton feet that are worn over the shoes. Put it all together, and
you have a spooky reaper costume!
But it wasn't just the appearance that worked out well... I also acted
the part by moving slowly and standing very still... Many people who
walked past thought I was a manequin, until I started moving up behind
them. I managed to freak-out several adults, as well as children. It
was great fun!