2004 - Weapons/Armor
I finally got around to putting this old display rack to use, and
put up some of my items that just didn't have a place to stay before.
It has my daggers, all but one of the maces, both flails, and my
replica pistols.
Also present is my newest item, the two-handed mace visible on the right
side of the display. Now that's a great
The new .44 Magnum (S&W 629, above) in comparison with my old
.357 Magnum (S&W Model 65, below). Now that's a gun.
(Interesting note- The S&W 629 is the model used in
the Sledge Hammer series. However, they used a 6" barrel version. Mine is 8")
This is my other new toy from September. I finally managed to get a
semi-decent picture of it (though I still think I can do better).
Light, balanced, and sharp. Muahaha!