2005 - Weapons/Armor
^top | Tuesday, August 16, 2005 |
Here's my semi-autos. From left to right at the top are my
Sig 229 9mm, and my Sig 229 .40 cal. On the bottom is the
Beretta 92FS 9mm.
^top | Tuesday, August 16, 2005 |
These are my revolvers. The picture is not precisely to scale as compared
to the semi-autos in the other picture, since the camera was at a sligtly
different distance. On the upper right is the .44 Magnum, and below that
is the .357 Magnum. Both are Smith & Wesson.
The .44 has an 8 3/4" barrel, as compared to the 4" barrels on my Sigs in
the other picture.