2006 - Weapons/Armor
^top | Wednesday, Aug 16 2006 |
My new crossbow that I picked up at Pennsic (photos).
I had looked at several, but these struck me as much more structurally sound, and
of very high craftsmanship quality. It has a laminated wood high-velocity prod, requiring
only 60 pounds to draw, but matching or exceeding the velocity of many higher-strength
steel prods. The trigger mechanism uses a long metal rod as the trigger underneath, which
is a period design.
^top | Sunday, Sept 10, 2006 |
In armor, sporting my new spaulders and shield. I ran into
a fellow Crusader, a Templar who was out and about for the
day. We decided to get some pictures.
This poor fellow's face was pretty crunched up inside his helmet.
Looked as though he pretty well flattened his nose to fit into it.
^top | Sunday, September 17, 2006 |
I finally got around to cleaning the rust off of my buckler, and painting it up.
Here it is sitting next to my larger Templar/Crusader shield that I got roughly a
week before.
It won't be long before the buckler is all scratched up, since I use it
occasionally. However, it'll look the part, and resist rust a bit better!
^top | Saturday, Sept 30 2006 |
A close-up of me, showing the new brass spiral knighthood chain.
It's laying across my Merc's Guild pin, which I finally discovered is quite easy to pin onto my coif.
I've worn the pin off and on over the years.
Replaced the foam caps on the rivets on the inside of my back-plate.
My old ones didn't stop the blisters. I'm keeping my fingers crossed
that this will work better. One fell off when I tried it on (using
just hot-glue). I'm trying silicone sealant this time.
Yes, I'm aware of the rust. I do sweat, you know. :) I'll probably hit
it with some primer one of these days.
My old steel set of mail. It weighs about the same as my set of
plate armor. Also the old SCA-style sallet, an imported breastplate,
and my old "cheater" set of chain can be seen hanging from the shoulder.
The cheater-set was basically a chainmail dickie. It's just sleeves and
shoulders. I wore that in the interim until my aluminum set was ready,
so as to avoid wearing 50 lbs of mail on my shoulders. At least the plate
distributes it... this chainmail does not.
I managed to drag the
plate armor out to faire again. This time I was sporting
the brand new chainmail skirt I completed during the week
before this.
^top | Saturday, Oct 21, 2006 |
My plate armor made it to MDRF a second time, this time on
closing weekend. The chainmail skirt hung a little lower than
intended this time, but oh well. I need to do more work on it
anyway. Still need to get me some greaves and sabatons. And a
gorget that doesn't suck.
^top | Saturday, Oct 21, 2006 |
Another shot of me from the Saturday of MDRF closing weekend, in armor. I'm not posting all
of these in rapid succession out of vanity, but rather the fact that I like to have a
good record of my armor's evolution, and each shot seems to bring something different to it.
Photo taken by my co-worker, Alana. Wholly stolen from our company's intranet. :)
The teddy-bear surcoat lives again! Yes, my first time in many years to
participate in "The Day of Wrong"
This one doesn't wear as well, and of course, well, chainmail tends
to bunch up in certain areas and amplify your gut a bit.
The amusing thing is that many people would ask for my picture, and
compliment me on the armor, and THEN realize I was wearing teddy-bear
Ah yes, the joys of being Sir Ted de Bear, Knight of the Order of Saint Theodore. lol!
MDRF closing weekend: Jousting Tournament.
Sir Barchan and Sir Soltoro, at the Jousting Tournament.
MDRF closing weekend: Jousting Tournament.
A pass in the jousting tournament. Sir Trystan of Anglesey on the left, and
the lady knight whose name I can't remember on the right.
MDRF closing weekend: Jousting Tournament.
Many of the knights in the jousting tournament. MDRF does have
a good jousting show. The Free Lancers are top notch!