2000 - Weapons/Armor
Chainmaille-making supplies.
Here's my first set of armor... 48 lbs of chainmail plus a helmet,
on a hardwood stand. Behind it is my first sword.
(Click for larger view)
Here you can see the top of the floor-rack, plus the two wall-racks
above it, going all the way to the cieling. These two wall racks
hold 14 total, though in this shot I have a zulu short-spear and
two bokken as place-holders, and another slot free.
(Click for larger view)
This is my primary sword rack.. it's free-standing, and I have the
wall-hanging racks mounted above it on the wall. This one contains
6 swords plus a sword-cane in this shot, with one slot free. My
antique bolo is hanging down the back of it.
(Click for larger view)
This corner houses the "I have no idea where to put these" items.
Here I have two staves, a long spear with an extra pole, 2 harpoons,
a bardiche (sparth axe), a 5' scythe, and a flamberge that stands
about five and a half feet tall.
(Click for larger view)
My bookcases are decorated with a few nice pieces here, including
my Art Gladius Excalibur, Shinto Katana, and english-style
halberd. On the small bookcase, there is also a light-saber. :)
(Click for larger view)
A gothic flanged mace.
(Click for larger view)
A matched set of cheap display-only aluminum-bladed katanas (or rather, a katana and matching wakizashi).
(Click for larger view)
Here you can see my claymore, and two of my display katanas. The nicer
of they two has its own (badly damaged) plexiglass case.
(Click for larger view)
This is one of my nicer aqcuisitions, made by Dagger Dan Heinecke,
from the MD RenFest. A very finely crafted piece!
(Click for larger view)
I decided to finally get around to taking pictures of some of my swords,
and what better place to begin? On the right, you see one hanging by
itself.. this was my very first sword, and I got it at an antique shop
for $20 many years ago. The two crossed swords are inexpensive display
swords. You also get to see my neat little candle sconces and banners.
(Click for larger view)
Here's my 5.5' flamberge.. It comes up to the bridge of my nose
when stood on end.
I decided to take some shots of a few of the weapons you couldn't
see well in the "miscellaneous corner" in the last batch of pictures.
Besides, I added a new one. :)
From left to right, arranged by length (all with their edges facing
right) we have the Bardiche (or rather, Sparth Axe, as a "true"
bardiche has a larger longer blade. 5'), English-style Halberd (6.5'),
Lugged Spear (8'4"), and Sickle Spear (8'10").
Here's my home security system. Meet one of my 12-gauge Mossbergs, the Beretta 9mm, and a .40cal SigSauer.
Mossberg 12g shown before and after making it scary. :)
(My views on Gun Control)
Closing day at MDRF- "The Day of Wrong". Here we see Sir Ted de Bear, or rather
Bones (me) wearing the surcoat of the Order of Saint Theodore... Muahaha!!!