2001 - General
King Barak (aka Midnight Wolf, on the right) gets married! Here we see
him standing next to his brother-in-law on the fateful day. Unfortunately,
this is the only picture that I was able to take (that survived) before
the batteries died in my camera.
Kat and Ed (me) at Busch Gardens, riding the go-carts.
Same day at Busch Gardens.
Me at Busch Gardens... Everyone chose the most appropriately labelled
stocks to stick me in. :)
For Halloween, I always love to do what I can with decorations to make
a really cool-looking display. This year I did something very similar
to last year, but with just a few more details. One of which was to
make this poor guy hang out of the window of my car. It wasn't until
after I took the picture that I realized that the sticker in the other
window made it look like he's saying something... a little word-bubble
that just happened to be lined up right. :)
At my front-door, I had a jackolantern, gravestones, and a lantern, as
well as a "Trick or Treat" doormat. When someone would knock, I'd run
the fog machine (which was inside the house) for a few seconds, then
open the door... it would appear that I was stepping out of a thick
mist as I opened the door. :) Unfortunately, the flash washed everything out
in this picture. This shot was actually taken at night. With the flash
turned off in another picture, nothing came out at all. I wish I could
show here how creepy this looked under nothing but the lantern-light,
and the glow of the illuminated pumpkin. Half the trick to making a
good halloween display is correct lighting, which is why I never allowed
flash pictures in my old haunted houses.

Also ruined by the flash, this is the view from the stairs that lead up
to my front door.. Just by looking off to the right from the stairs, you
see my balcony with Herb looking back at you. This too looked wonderfully
creepy with him being illuminated by nothing but a lantern, and a
"flame" bulb in the wall-lamp. In the window you can see the funky and
mysterious glowing orb lights. The second picture shows a non-flashed
view of them, so you can get a slight idea of how they looked. On the
blacony, next to Herb, you can see the webcam and laser projector.
In this shot you can't see much of the fluid-projector's output.. just
barely a corner of it, but it's hardly noticable unless you know what
you're looking for. At night, the view from the street was impressive,
with the swirling fluid patterns projecting nearly all the way up to
the roof.