2006 - Pennsic 35
This was our first trip to Pennsic. I've wanted to go for ages, but
it's one of those kinds of things that you will generally want to do
with other people, preferably some who've already been. A former
co-worker of mine invited us to stay with their camp, so that's what
we did.
All packed up and ready to head out to Pennsic! We'd have been hard
pressed to fit anything else in the truck. Clothes, blankets, pillows,
etc are easy to stuff into the gaps. But we had to pack in triangular
spaces with large boxes and tubs, simply because the tent poles have to
fit in diagonally.
Pack explosion. :) We arrived in the morning on the middle Friday.
My lovely dearest Kat, sitting in front of the tent after setting it
Tent entrance, another angle. The sword is one of the few I have that
I don't mind rusting up by staking it into the ground.
Inside the tent. The green-man tapestry worked well as a privacy curtain.
Bed, table.

Blood Moon Clan site, as seen from the road.
Around the campfire.
Still around the campfire... we were taking pictures of each other. :)
The onion dome, as seen from the fire pit. Our tent was the
second roof behind it.
The lovely Lady Ketsia, performing a quick repair on my surcoat. :)
The battlefield. Atop the hill is the archery range, and on the hillside is
the roman numeral "XXXV" since this is Pennsic 35.
More of the battlefield.
The expanse of the battlefield and serengeti and surrounding parts of Pennsic.
Much of the campground is however off in the woods and around the lake.
Zoomed in. Left and Right of the battlefield.
Fire pit and part of the camp.
Fire pit and camp, looking the other way.
Blackmail photo. :)
More campfire.
More blackmail. :)
Lots of armor.
Lots of armor.
Examples of the non-permanent structures some of the
merchants bring. It is all set up and taken down for the
More of the temporary structures.
Armor on the move.
The results of our Henna class. Henna is a method/material for
making temporary tattoos. It's an age-old technique of using a natural dye that wears
off over days or weeks.

More campfire.
The "hookah", filled with a rum mixture that tastes a lot like
harmless fruit punch. It does pack a punch though. :)
Wind turbines we saw during the drive home.
The new crossbow I came home with. I'm impressed by the remarkable